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TurboTax Customer Care Services for Your Every Need

Preparing taxes is something that everyone needs to do, but not everyone knows how to. To help people in the slump, TurboTax is a tax preparation software package by Intuit for Americans. 

Michael A. Chipman initially developed the software by Chipsoft, which was later acquired by Intuit in the mid-1980s. The TurboTax for Mac named MacinTax was developed by SoftView, which was acquired by Chipsoft.

turbotax customer service image
Turbotax customer service image

The software is one of the most used Taxing software in America. TurboTax offers an entire suite to deal with tax and accounting related solutions.

TurboTax Customer Service

TurboTax is a software by Intuit which helps people to file for federal as well as state taxes. The software guides users step-by-step through their tax returns and provides additional support by offering Audit Defense from Tax Resources for self-prepared returns.

With the main headquarters in San Diego, California, the company offers several versions- TurboTax Deluxe, TurboTax Premier, etc.

The software keeps itself with IRS revised forms as it releases new software after the IRS approves the latest versions. The TurboTax version for federal taxes is released late in the year while the version for state taxed is released between mid-January to mid-February.

TurboTax Customer Support Numbers

TurboTax users who need any assistance regarding services provided by the company may contact the company through the following TurboTax customer service numbers.

TurboTax Help Line Numbers
TurboTax Customer Service Number Toll-Free888-777-3066
Inuit support team1-800-446-8848
TurboTax instant support1 888 777 3303

Other TurboTax Contact Numbers

Other TurboTax customer service phone number that you can use to get in contact with the company are as follows.

  • TurboTax customer services: 866-888-2402.
  • TurboTax contact number for business support: 888-777-4178
  • TurboTax Advantages (for getting information): 1 800 414 5644
  • Intuit Support: 1-800-624-9066

TurboTax Customer Service Hours

The TurboTax customer support hours are from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM from Monday to Sunday. 

The TurboTax advantage line is available from Monday to Friday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

TurboTax Corporate Office Address

The headquarters of Intuit Inc. is located in Mountain View, California. You can also send your complaint letters and such at the following TurboTax address.


Address: 2700 Coast Ave

Mountain View, CA 94043

TurboTax Official Site

You can stay updated about TurboTax software and other software suits by accessing Intuit official website

TurboTax Contact Us page

Also, you can access the TurboTax support page for any queries. 

TurboTax Customer Care support page

For any more doubts and queries, you can also contact customer care via the following link.

TurboTax Email Support

TurboTax help does not have any email addresses for people to get in touch with the company. The company instead encourages users to leave queries on their contact page after which they connect you with the right expert for your problems.

Social Media Links

You can also use social media to contact TurboTax for updates, queries, doubts and more through the following links.

TurboTax Review

 The TurboTax software helps people to file their state as well as federal taxes without any hassle. The software revises the forms by IRS every year and gets the software version approved by the IRS before launching, thus eliminating any chances of errors.

 The TurboTax software does the calculation for you taxes itself saving you from the hassle of crunching numbers for hours on end only to end up with the nagging doubt that the numbers might be wrong. The software is one of the most used software in America, as well as Canada. The software provides the users with both the free version as well as the paid version. However, the free version of TurboTax is only available for individuals making less than $66,000 a year.


How to contact TurboTax customer service?

You can contact the TurboTax service by using any of the phone numbers for TurboTax provided above in the guide.

Where are TurboTax headquarters?

The TurboTax headquarters is located in Mountain View, California, 94043.

What are TurboTax support hours?

You can contact the TurboTax customer care between 5:00 AM and 9:00 PM any day of the week.

How to contact TurboTax by email?

TurboTax does not have an email to interact with the users, rather, the company encourages the users to contact them through their Contact Us page

What is the phone number for TurboTax?

The best toll-free TurboTax contact phone number for customer care is 888-777-3066.

Can you use TurboTax online?

Yes, you can file your taxes online with TurboTax.

Is there a customer service number for TurboTax?

The toll-free TurboTax support phone number is 888-777-3066.

Does TurboTax have live help?

Yes, there is TurboTax Live chat which can be used to connect with experts.

How do I speak to a person at TurboTax? 

The TurboTax phone number to talk to a live person, 1-800-446-8848, can be used.

Can you Email the TurboTax?

TurboTax does not have an email to interact with the users, rather, the company encourages the users to contact them through their Contact Us page

How do I contact the IRS on TurboTax?

You can call 800-829-1040 from Monday to Friday between 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM to get in contact with an IRS customer service representative.


The guide covers the different contact methods and information to get in touch with TurboTax when in need and also gives a brief overview of TurboTax and parent company Intuit. This guide provides several TurboTax contact phone numbers for users in need, along with the addresses and other social media points of contact.


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