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FBI Phone Number & Hours Of Operation | Mailing Address, Website

United States residents can file a legal action against someone with the help of FBI Customer Service Number. People can report an emergency or know about the crime news by calling FBI Phone Number. Individuals can also reach Federal Bureau of Investigation Support through the website, address and mail id.

FBI Customer Service

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the domestic intelligence & security service of the U.S, and its principal federal law enforcement agency. FBI organisation was formed on July 26, 1908. The headquarters of FBI is at J. Edgar Hoover Building Washington, D.C., U.S. FBI is a member of the U.S Intelligence Community. It reports to both the Director of National Intelligence & Attorney General.

FBI Customer Service
FBI Customer Service

Even though, many of the FBI’s functions are unique, its activities in support of national security. FBI is primarily a domestic agency, maintaining 56 field offices, more than 400 resident agencies across the nation. In spite of its domestic focus, the company also maintains a significant international footprint and 15 sub-offices in the U.S. embassies and consulates across the globe.

FBI Customer Care Contact Number

People who are in the emergency can report a claim via FBI Customer Service Phone Number. Individuals of the United States can file a legal case or complaint to the Federal Bureau of Investigation through its toll-free number (911). Residents of any age can inquire about civil crimes and other issues by contacting the FBI Support Team.

FBI Phone Number

Federal Bureau of Investigation Number1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324)
FBI Customer Care Telephone Number(202) 324-3000

FBI Support Telephone Number

  • FBI Contact Number: (866) 720-5721
  • FBI Customer Support Toll Free Number: 202-324-7330
  • Help Line Number For Enquiries: 911

FBI Customer Support Hours Of Operation

Federal Bureau of Investigation Telephone Services is available 24/7. If you feel someone is in the danger, then you must call FBI Contact Number at any time.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Mailing Address

If you disagree with the FBI services, then simply write a letter to the company authorities and post to the mailing address. Persons can also send their problems, complaints to the FBI Corporate Address.

FBI Headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
(202) 324-3000

FBI Customer Service Website

Federal Bureau of Investigation Official Site is You can search for the jobs, submit tips on crime reports of FBI through the website. FBI provides services like investigations in Civil Rights, Cyber Crime, Violent Crime and Terrorism and others. People can even view the faces of some of the most wanted persons with a criminal background.

FBI Customer Care Email Id

People who are facing an emergency that need an immediate law enforcement response can drop an email at FBI Customer Service Mail Address: You can ask information like Criminal History, FBI Records/FOIA and complaint on the general issues via email services.

Social Network Of FBI

Federal Bureau of Investigation Social Media pages is given here. Every citizen of the United States needs to follow the FBI at various social networking pages. FBI social media sites contain details like the crime news, simple steps to reach the FBI in case of emergencies. Individuals can also report the problem via social media pages.

  • Facebook:
  • LinkedIn:
  • Email Updates:
  • Youtube:
  • Twitter:
  • Flicker:


How do I contact the FBI?

To report a crime, people can use either online tips or public leads form. Individuals can contact the nearest international office or local FBI field office. If you want to report suspicious activity including chemical, radiological, biological materials, call FBI Phone Number at 855-TELL-FBI or 855-835-5324.

When Does FBI Customer Service Open?

FBI Customer Support Hours are available at any time throughout the globe. People are allowed to call the call centre 24 hours, 7 days.

What is the FBI Headquarters Address?

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Corporate Office Address details are enclosed here. You can write compliments, advises and problems to the FBI Mailing Address.
FBI Headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
(202) 324-3000


Hope the above information on FBI Support Contacts is useful for the people. Individuals can follow our site regularly to get the phone numbers of other companies. You can also stay connected with us to solve difficulties.


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